
What is identity? The very concise definition of "Identity" is realized in the question of "who Am I?" Identity relates to self-image. It refers to one's specific and unique characteristics which differ him from others. It represents the real "self" of the person. We have different kinds of identity: national identity, social identity, cultural/racial identity, class identity, familial identity, gender identity, sexual identity, etc. 
Our personal identity is formed mainly in families and schools in very young ages, but our social identity is formed according to what group we belong to.  Identity is formed through a very long process. Erik Erikson has extensively discussed "Identity Formation" under his theory of "developmental stages", which believes identity formation extends from birth through adulthood.
Hollywood which is the most influential media in America has a great role in identity formation of Americans since childhood. A very effective way to teach values and morality is through movies. The films show the way of life; the life which is desirable to public and especially government.
Another important concept to take into consideration is Multiculturalism which means the acceptance of multiple ethnic cultures, applied to a specific place such as school, businesses, cities or nations. In multiculturalism different ethnic and religious groups should be equal and no specific ethnic, religious, or cultural community values should be dominant. In America Hollywood helps to spread the American values as prominent, but this role of Hollywood is not limited to the boundaries of America and the main mission of Hollywood is to make the American culture dominant in the world and abolish other cultures. It is a big contrast to the concept of Multiculturalism…..

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